Halloween has come and gone, winter is rapidly approaching, but before we commence the countdown to Christmas, we have November – a time for fireworks, rockets and bonfires.
Due to the great market attendance last month, we are pleased to report a healthy number of traders again for this month. Please continue your support for the market and make an effort to keep it going. Christmas is only 8 weeks or so away, always a good idea to get those pressie ideas in early. The Market section of Swamp opens at 1pm and usually runs until @6pm.
After the well received Whip Demo last month, we alternate back into our popular Rope Workshop territory for November, (so please keep an eye out for an information posting by the Peer Rope Bondage Workshop for full details, descriptions, and times etc). Whether you are a total novice, or a more experienced player in the binding art, the rope workshop will have something special for you all.
Last month, sadly, due to illness, the electrical workshop had to be cancelled. However we are hopeful that our trader colleagues at Painful Pleasures have made a healthy recovery, and November will see the return of a workshop for all things electrical. I know a number of new people showed interest last month. So for those with a taste for electrical play, or anyone simply curious, why not come along.
Please note that due to the traditional Remembrance Day Parade/March, certain sections of Bristol City Centre roads will be closed off until lunchtime, but usually return to normal by around midday.
Swamp; part market, part munch, part party, part educational/practical workshops, part gathering, but most importantly, all fun. A place where you can be comfortable and relaxed being whoever/whatever you would like to be.
Swamp Sunday 11th November 2018 OMG Club, Frog Lane, Bristol – with our usual traders, rope workshop, day dungeon, after market play party, electrical play workshop, and photography area, there are so many reasons to come early and stay for the entire event.